Journey Series Replacements - Part 2

Journey Series Replacements - Part 2

By Troy Carlson


In the last newsletter (June 04) I illustrated how new journey series replacement notes are identified and researched.  I hope you now understand how difficult the research and collecting of these notes can be.  In this newsletter, I have included some charts on the new journey $5 notes so you are able to identify the replacements.  As I said in the previous newsletter the replacements are identified in ranges as opposed to an asterisk or an x.  They have been called the unidentifiable replacement notes.

$5 Journey Series

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 4.28.06 PM.png

As you can see there are quite a few different ranges and, as these notes are still being issued, some ranges may vary and some ranges may combine to become one range.  I recommend a small cheat sheet or list on your person for easy reference.

As I am sure you are aware, the new Journey $20 has been unveiled and we should start to see them at the banks and in circulation on the 29th and 30th of September.  The new journey $50 is going to have its national unveiling right here in Calgary on October the 13th.  The back of the journey $50 has an Alberta theme.  “The Famous Five” will grace the note.  These were 5 women who were Alberta based who broke inroads for the equality of women in the last century.  The note will be in circulation by the end of November 2004.

On another note, be sure to check out the Bank of Canada’s travelling Money Museum at the Nickel Arts Museum from mid October to February.

Thanks to Marty Schmitz, Paul Wallis, Gilles Pomerleau and the Charlton press for their continued research of the new journey series replacement notes.

Happy Hunting